Saturday 23 July 2011

One from Four .. better than a kick in the head !!

OK .. it's steady as she goes.

Today's results: Three absolute donkeys which are quite possibly still running or have been retired to Blackpool .....  but break out the bubbly as we have one crucial winner in "Hoof It" !!!

23 Jul 11 / 08:23 Single 1 3:40 York  –  Win Hoof It @ Guaranteed Price (5/1) Won £2.50 £15.00

The SP was 3/1 so it was well backed ... However as we took the early GP of 5/1 .. we earned an extra 2 points/units ...  Nice one !!!

So 4 selections into the system with 16 selections still available.

We need another £35 to break even so we need another couple of tasty 5/1 shots. 
Our new fund for going forward stands at £15 and the old fund at £40  (or jointly £55 .. depends on how you like to view things)


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