Wednesday 22 December 2010

Well - thought I'd better post something - been a while

Yes - UK has gone to hell in a handbasket - politicians are no more than EU puppets apart from the likes of the UKIP MP's such as Hannan - Farage and the baldy scouser.

Left the UK and taken up residence in warmer climes.

Poker is the name of the game; so I am planning to set up a bankroll, see where it takes me.

The past year I have been getting experience by playing in the donkfest freerolls; though any eduction is gained at the business end and not at the "shove allin with any2 kick-off" ..

Ocassional wagers on "dead certs" will help boost the fund.

Whats are the odds on Global Warming being fact and not fiction ???


  1. Hi :)

    Where are you? Poker is pretty good here on the coast apparently. I'm in the Costa del Sol.

  2. Hi Sue

    In the beautiful country that is India at the moment.

    Sorry for the lack of posting, but life gets in the way ... Hope you are enjoying the Spanish sunshine.
