Sunday 18 September 2011

Out of of our 15 runners - 1 remains unsettled

18 Sep 11 / 09:37 Single 1   Emirates Melbourne Cup  –  Outright Americain @ 16/1 £2.50 O/0660311/0000145/F

Ok so Americain remains unsettled at 16/1 ...

These are the settled 14 runners ... and we are almost showing a 50% ROI with 5 runners left to select and 1 bet to be settled .. Not sure whether to keep 50% back as a back-up bank or proceed straight to the £5 bets ... decisions decision ..   I am happy with source of information I have but as we know past performance is no guarantee of future earnings ...

Note these bets sizes are only for reference and proof of selections/system ...  My regulars are enjoying

18 Sep 11 / 15:59 Single 1   5:00 Plumpton  –  Win Winning Show @ Guaranteed Price (5/1) Won £2.50 £15.00 O/0660311/0000147/F
18 Sep 11 / 10:15 Single 1   3:30 Plumpton  –  Win Dancewiththedevil @ Guaranteed Price (9/1) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000146/F
18 Sep 11 / 08:55 Single 1   4:40 Hamilton  –  Win Jeu De Vivre @ Guaranteed Price (10/1) Won £2.50 £27.50 O/0660311/0000144/F
17 Sep 11 / 07:07 Single 1   2:15 Ayr  –  Win Fathsta @ Guaranteed Price (11/1) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000143/F
17 Sep 11 / 07:05 Single 1   5:00 Ayr  –  Win Tiger Reigns @ Guaranteed Price (10/1) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000140/F
17 Sep 11 / 07:05 Single 1   3:30 Newmarket  –  Win French Hollow @ 7/1 GP (Price taken @ 13/2) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000141/F
17 Sep 11 / 07:05 Single 1   4:05 Newmarket  –  Win Dubai Glory @ Guaranteed Price (9/1) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000142/F
17 Sep 11 / 06:55 Single 1   3:20 Ayr  –  Win Colonel Mak @ 16/1 GP (Price taken @ 15/1) Placed £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000139/F
 16 Sep 11 / 12:35 Single 1   2:15 Listowel  –  Win Hello Man @ Guaranteed Price (9/1) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000138/F
16 Sep 11 / 12:27 Single 1   6:20 W'Hampton  –  Win Cavitie @ Guaranteed Price (10/3) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000137/F
16 Sep 11 / 04:32 Single 1   2:35 Newbury  –  Win Laughing Jack @ 12/1 GP (Price taken @ 9/1) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000136/F
16 Sep 11 / 04:26 Single 1   3:20 Ayr  –  Win Courageous @ Guaranteed Price (15/2) Lost £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000135/F
15 Sep 11 / 08:41 Single 1   4:00 Pontefract  –  Win Jade @ Guaranteed Price (10/1) Placed £2.50 £0.00 O/0660311/0000134/F
15 Sep 11 / 08:40 Single 1   4:50 Ayr  –  Win Keys of Cyprus @ Guaranteed Price (14/1) Won £2.50 £37.50 O/0660311/0000133/F

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