Monday 20 June 2011

Absolute waste of a great talent !!

It really saddens me to see this given the amount of talentless dross out there !!

Amy Winehouse's comeback disaster she should never have left REHAB

Tuesday 14 June 2011


At the moment I am not working .. which is a sad state of affairs !!

My last few days have been spent on a personal challenge to complete a build and host a free completely free website and hallelujah I am glad to say I managed to complete it. The result may not be completely legal but it "harmed nobody in the making". 

I started searching on google and armed with advice from some forums and a few videos I set to work and now have a completely free website hosted on one of my laptops. 

To state I am chuffed is an understatement .. though I suspect my effort has more security leaks than the Whitehouse ...

My next task is secure the site; learn how to password protect it and how to add applications etc to the site; I also want to run multiple site so I need to learn how to configure apache to run virtual hosts.

My hardware is not up to the job ... but thiswhole exercise is just to ensure that I keep my brain ticking over and a bit of self education, well it beats doing sudoku  ..... stagnation of the mind is terrible !!!