Sunday 19 April 2009

Beginner's Luck ??

Having spent the morning ringing round my contacts and studying the form guides, I retired to the pub to formulate my plan. Lumping it all on one horse from the off seemed like a bad idea. Start small, from little acorns and all that ....

So £5 on "Noble Alan" in the 2.50 at Ayr @ 10/1 brought the fighting fund up to £150, do I have to count the several pints of of Stella Artios and the delicious bar meal in the debit column ???

Surely it can't be that easy ....

Onwards and upwards, I suppose I should set some ground rules; like no drinking the profits.

Oh and a target .. £20,000 by the end of the Flat season.

Wish me Luck ..

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